The First AGM of HKABE Ltd on 27 October 2018

HKABE Ltd. 1st AGM was held at the 5/F, Diamond Room, The Cityview, 23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. on 27 October 2018 (Saturday). Thank you to all members who turned up, here are a few of the highlights with the speaker’s presentation powerpoint:

Talk 1: Social Innovation: A Creative Problem Solving Approach (Speaker: Dr Man Wing Yan, Thomas, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Hang Seng Management College )

Presentation PowerPoint: Social Innovation_A Creative Problem Solving Approach

Talk 2: Social Innovation: Entrepreneurship Education: The new direction for STEM education in Hong Kong (Speaker: Mr. Ho Chun Sing, Maxwell, Lecturer, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong)
Presentation PowerPoint: Entrepreneurship Education The new direction for STEM education in HK

Talk 3: An accounting update for Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Speaker: Miss Chiu Kai Wai, Anthenian, CPA, experienced educator)
Presentation PowerPoint: HKFRS 9 Accounting update