The Second AGM of HKABE Ltd on 12 October 2019

2019 HKABE Ltd. 2nd AGM

Sharing for Secondary School Business Teachers


Second Annual General Meeting

Date         : 12 October 2019 (Saturday)

Time        : 9:45 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. (AGM & Sharing)   12:20 p.m. to 13:40 p.m. (Buffet)

Venue      : 5/F, Diamond Room, The Cityview, 23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

Fees :       : Free of charge for member joining Sharing cum AGM and the buffet


09:45 – 10:00        Registration

10:00 – 10:05        Welcome speech by the President of HKABE Ltd, Mr. David Tam W.K.

10:05 – 10:35        Annual General Meeting by the Chairman of HKABE Ltd, Mr. Eric Tai M.K.

10:35 – 12:00        校本經驗分享,由香港教育大學教育政策與領導學系何振聲博士主持:
1.   兆基生活理財:精明消費,安心保障
2.   多元化學習體驗,培養學生創新意念及社會責任
3.   善用資源,創設體驗
4.   知趣並重,學以致用—商業教育展新姿

12:00 – 12:20        Introducing the Adaptive Blended Learning Project 2019-2021 (funded by Quality Education Fund) for teaching accounting in secondary schools

Speaker: Dr. Ho Chun Sing, Maxwell 香港教育大學何振聲博士
(Lecturer, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong )

12:20 – 13:40        Lunch Buffet (5/F., Diamond Room)



  1. Seats for the Meetings, Ceremony and Lunch Buffet (free of charge) are limited to 60 and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. Confirmation will be issued for your reservation via e-mail on or before 4 October 2019 (Friday).
  3. HKABE reserves the right of final decision on the seat allocation and admission.

Enquires  : Mr. Jack Yuen, Secretary of the Executive Committee of HKABE Ltd

Tel            : 2460-5951

Fax           : 2453-2705

E-mail       :

The Cityview Hotel location:

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