The Third AGM of HKABE Ltd on 31 October 2020
2020 HKABE Ltd. 3rd AGM
Sharing for Secondary School Business Teachers
The Third Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Association for Business Education Limited
Sharing for Secondary School Business Teachers cum the Third Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Association for Business Education Limited on 31 October 2020 (Saturday)
A) The Third Annual General Meeting
B) Sharing for Secondary School Business Teachers
Part 1: Sharing on “Adaptive blended learning pedagogy”
a. Backward design
b. Station method
c. Flipped classroom
d. Feedback teaching
(A brief explanation of Adaptive Blended Learning to enrich our knowledge.)
Speaker: Mr. Ho Chun Sing, Maxwell
(Lecturer, Department of Education Policy and Leadership,
The Education University of Hong Kong )
Part 2: Progress report on QEF Project: An adaptive blended learning platform for
business teachers and students to work as a learning community
a. Platform provided
b. Learning materials provided
c. Number of schools and students
Speaker: Miss Hon Lai Mei, Mavis (Project Office of the QEF Project)
Part 3: Entrepreneurialism into trans-disciplinary curriculum
a. Rationale
b. Teacher training (Middle leadership and entrepreneurship)
c. School-based curriculum
d. Expectation on participants
e. Team introduction
(A proposed QEF application to enhance the development of business education in Hong Kong)
Speaker: Mr. Ho Chun Sing, Maxwell
(Lecturer, Department of Education Policy and Leadership,
The Education University of Hong Kong )
Part 4: Current issues in teaching and revised syllabus for 2025 BAFS Exam
a. Allowance for doubtful debts
b. Clarification to the new revised syllabus (e.g. incomplete records)
Speakers: Mr. Wan Siu Kee (Vice Chairman of the HKABE Ltd)
Mr. Tai Ming Kee (Chairman of the HKABE Ltd)